More Gator Observations

Tuesday March 5th 2019

I expected to get rained on today, but it didn’t happen. The day started sunny and warm. The temperature eventually made it into the low to mid eighties. Shortly after noon the expected front arrived with some wind and lots of clouds. It didn’t take long for the wind direction to change and the sun to return. Tomorrow is forecast to be ten degrees or more cooler.

Today’s wild flower display.
There aren’t any gas stations for more than sixty miles along this section of the Tamiami trail, but there are Electric Vehicle charging stations. Huh?

The resident campground alligator has been hard to find. To get my gator fix I drove up to the Oasis Visitors Center. There are always plenty of alligators to be found in the deep water canal along the road in front of the visitors center. I was not disappointed. Along with plenty of tourists from all over the world judging by languages, I found big gators, little gators and all the sizes in between. The big reptiles are fascinating to observe.

A small to medium adult alligator taking the sun on the rocks below the boardwalk.
Webbed feet with claws.
In the water ready to swim into deep water pushing off with all four feet and a kick of the tail.
This the biggest alligator I saw today. It is probably ten feet or more long.
Alligator on the bottom in the shallow water watching in ambush for something to appear on land or the shallow water in front of its nose.
Bird ever alert in the center of the canal.
Great Egret somewhat protected from the alligators in the water by the rocks and the brush.

End of Post

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