A Travel Recovery Day

Tuesday July 7th 2020

After yesterdays six and a half hour travel day, I was exhausted last night. I really needed a good nights sleep and a day of recovery. I took today as a day of recovery, but I didn’t really get the good nights sleep last night.

Airport control tower and weather radar dome across the open field east of the campground.

The change in time zone and late arriving neighbors conspired against sleeping last night. It was only a day more than a week ago that I was in Arizona following Mountain Standard Time. I was just starting to get accustom to the Mountain Daylight time in New Mexico when I moved on to this location in Central Daylight time. It is still light here after 9:30. In Arizona it was dark by quarter to eight. The bottom line is my body thinks bed time is after midnight.

Shortly after I got to sleep last night an RV arrived to occupy the site behind me. They were not quiet setting up sometime after 1AM. Why they arrived so late, I don’t know, but they left at 8PM tonight. Just a little odd. I got back to sleep quickly, but didn’t get to sleep late. The neighbor on my passenger side decided to depart around 7AM this morning. They weren’t very quiet either. I ended up beginning my day early.

While I’m in the middle of complaining, I might as well complain about the weather. After months in the dry desert, I’m now in a more humid area. It still isn’t humid by southeast standards, but it is enough to make today’s 90 degree temperature feel hot. The forecast is for triple digit weather starting later this week into the beginning of next week. My AC is probably going to get a workout.

Interesting sculpture at the campground. I think it is a road runner.

My energy level was low all day. I finished setting up for my eight night stay and walked around the RV park a couple of times. Like many of the parks located at exits along Interstate 40 it turns over dramatically every day. The whole section of the park with pull through sites was full last night and empty by checkout this morning. I’m located in an area of the park that seems to be used for longer stays.

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