To Rain or Not to Rain

Wednesday June 12th 2024

It seems like I’ve been writing blog entries about the rain or lack there of for the last week. Today is no exception. The forecast for rain got in my way again today.

It is my nut! You can’t have it.

Last night the forecast called for a significant possibility or rain each hour of the day. Therefore, when it started to rain around 4:30am, I wasn’t surprised. When I woke with the intent of getting up around 8:30AM the rain had stopped. The forecast at that point called for rain starting around 2PM. It never rained. At the time of this writing near 10PM, the rain isn’t supposed to return until late tomorrow afternoon. Thursday has a typical summertime forecast with afternoon thunderstorms.

Bunny Bunny

It wasn’t only the rain that got in the way today, but a water outage in the campground also contributed. As I was getting prepared to make the coffee this morning, I found nothing coming out of the kitchen faucet. While I was outside checking the connection, I got a text message from the office staff declaring the hour long “emergency” water outage for my part of the resort. If I know an outage is possible I make sure my fresh water tank has fresh water in it. Today I had enough water in the tank to flush the toilet, but it was far from fresh. If I was going to drink it, I’d boil it first. The water in the tank was about three months old. The water was back on in about an hour and I could make coffee for breakfast.

Rabbit Rabbit

With all the changes in the rain forecast, I finally headed out for groceries around 2PM. Originally I was going to go shopping during the rain, but since it didn’t see to be coming, I just went. I arrived at Walmart just in time to watch a drone take off from the parking lot. There is am experimental drone delivery service operating out of the parking lot. The Walmart grocery section seemed to be in restocking mode. There were pallets of groceries in almost every aisle. The only thing missing were people to load the shelves from the pallets. The obstructions made navigating a shopping cart a challenge.

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